Aimaan Ahmad: March 2015


Mar 23, 2015

flashback 20 years ago

While we are seating at dining table with sibling this morning, we woke up for sahur then suddenly sister brings up the story of childish behavior during kindergarten and primary school. There was so many stories that we laughed together.

When I was young, I always feel my father was very anger man. I scared to talk and share to him. Till every morning, if dad forgot to leave money on table, we just silently go to the school. Teacher will call us to meet dad, and he came for our daily expenses (1 dollar).  Recall back dad's sacrificed, then we realized that he is loving man but not clever at expression.

One day Dad sent sis to kindergarten by motorcycle and while on the way, the shoes peel off. At that time, she just keep silence and till reach school, she lets father know about it. Then Dad looking back to find the shoes on the road. How scared is she.haha. Then we laughing.

I consider lucky to have every sibling 1 year younger. So we lived like friends.

I flashbacked my child story, I remember I started business at 8 years old. The talents that I love doing it till now. What I had done? I am selling nugget and fries at sekolah agama. Went back from primary school and straight away to the kitchen to fry the fastfood. I also don't know why my friends do not fry itself at home. and don't know where the idea came. haha so struggle.

I am the one will cry if lost in the shopping mall. Angah and Nor are cool and steady to find my parent's car. Have you experienced it during childhood? Then they talk to me calmness.

Not really play kakak characters. Till now I can feel my adik so protective to kakak.

Oh ya. another story of my childhood life. I am pretty sure everyone went to sekolah agama after primary school is it. Me too.  I am the one who force parents to send to school because I always heard friend sharing about it while in classes in morning school session. 

Dad managed to send us to sekolah agama at other kampung nearby. The story was, I go into car and leave shoes out like masuk rumah. Then when reached sekolah agama, i dont have shoes to wear. Only dad's shoes in the car. I weared it for 3 hours. oh that ashamed. well that time i am so small cute little girl. haha

Btw, I dont have primary school's picture to share. Enjoy my secondary school geng picture.
 We went to reunion after form 5. Consider first reunion, and now most of them married. sigh.

 Like new girl, not newboyz

See, I tell you we have singer talent. Doing video clips now. Joking.

Mar 21, 2015

Contest Omega 3 Serum

Rasanya semua gadis gadis mengalami perkara yang sama, atau saya seorang saja. sigh.
Dulu jika saya analisa balik wajah wajah zaman sekolah menengah, rasa tudung shape elok dah, tona skin sekata, tiada pulak lopak lopak. Padahal apabila saya teliti kembali gambar, pasaipa muka saya begitu kusam dan ahhhhhh sangat berlemoih. malu nak tatap!

Usia semakin meningkat! Fine saya sedar! Tapi motif saya tetap sama sejak dari dulu. Saya nak jugak kelihatan awet muda sampai bila bila. Jadi apa saya lakukan? acu teko ... Setiap kali saya jumpa wanita yang berumur 55 ke atas dan wajahnya tegang cantik malah segar. Nampak  macam kulit tomato yang belum di petik. Korang bayangkan lah bertapa gebu gebanya. Saya pasti pergi interview.

Antara jawapan lame makcik lame:

" Sebetulnya makcik selalu ambil wuduk sahaja".  okayyyyyy, diam saya.

" Rajinkan senyum dan selalu bersedekah''.

" Dari muda sampai sekarang, cosmetic wajib kau pakai, ini facial foam, toner, mosturizer , then serum. Then eye cream". hmmmmm

" Banyakkan minum air, supaya boleh detox".

Nampaknya semua boleh diterima akal. Jadi apa saya lakukan? saya mencari serum yang awesome, dan berjumpa lalu jatuh cinta sedalam dalamnya. Sebetulnya saya dulu amat sensitif pada sebarang cosmetic, jika pakai mesti naik jerawat, whitehead blackhead yang ketara.

So, saya cuba pakai omega 3 serum. Tak sangka memang tak sangka, ia mampu menyerlah dan menyekatakan tona kulit, membantu menutup lopak lopak kesan picit jerawat zaman muda, dan muka fresh. Alhamdulillah.

Almaklumlah saya punyai kehidupan yang pack. Mata pasti letey, lalu nampak tidak bermaya. Ini antara proses pembaikan setiap malam. Happy :)

Btw, sekarang ada contest sedang dijalankan. Sertai mereka , untung untung dapat menang set fleur fantasy. Wangi semerbak seluruh alam. haaa gitu!!

( For fans)

1. Follow IG @cosway.karking.ipoh dan komen bersama hashtag  ‪#‎omega3serum‬. 
contoh : #omega3serum superb . .

2. Repost di IG memasing dan tag sekurang kurangnya 5 kawan.

3. Hadiah berupa set Fleur Fantasy akan di berikan. Set ‪#‎FleurFantasy‬merupakan set perfume, body spray, lotion dan deodorant. Boleh lihat di IG @cosway.karking.ipoh 

Nampak fleur fantasy, rasa nak rebut jugak!

Selamat berjaya!

Mar 19, 2015

RSeries fever

I never thought gonna be like this fever!

Alhamdulillah everything went smoothly in these few week. Order comes like thunderstorm. Then, we restocked again twice a week and again, all sold out! I would like to say thank you so much and wanna hug all of you :)

Seeing all responses texted via whatsapp #rseriesreview, I had tear of joys and feel thankful, you guys enjoy the smell too. The parfum, the body spray, the deodorant, the powder and the hotselling item, hand & body lotion. Mmuah!

The phenomenal was hilarious! We're still getting order on Facebook messenger & Instagram for R Series set thus we decided to do pre-order. The complete set of R Series will arrive before end this month, so those people wanted to order, you have to booking with payment.

The set is selling fast , unfortunately we have limited stock. Meanwhile, we take initiative to allocate the stock with this promotion price from booking order (with payment). For your information the promotion will end on 25th March 2015. The date is just around the corner.

 For those who don't know R Series set, its a set of luxurious personal care which has offer for 5 item in a set. The items are shown below:

1. R Series Powder
2. R Series Body Spray
3. R Series Eau de Parfum
4. R Series Hand & Body Lotion
5. R Series Deodorant

The smell is so good! :) eyes blinking with love. I know, your face likes " whatever Aiman, how we can smell it before order?". " I read your small little voice inside". Here's your reference. 

The smell can sustain for 24 hours.

I raise my hand, surrender to tell more. Wanna check my phone, why its keep vibrating. :)

Now, they're take pre-order for RSeries set only RM 29.90 per set.
Check it out RSERIES to order or whatsapp them +601129040645

So you have more than 5 days to suprise your love one with lovely parfum. Supriseeeeeeeeee!!

Mar 17, 2015

Uneven skin tone : Garnier Skin Naturals

I'm pretty sure most of us are facing uneven skin tone especially women ( because they always complaining :P) I had tried many of whitening mask and ended up I come back to this brand. This is not new item for you, but u have to know about this. Garnier skin naturals light intensive 3 in 1 whitening essence mask is superb result.

I'm just feel sad when see the price increases. huh.Well gst gonna be implemented soon.

I had fallen in love with this Intensive 3 in 1 Whitening Essence Mask since teenager :D

Look! She's not pretending as serious face as you see. 
Cannot smile or its gonna cracking your face skin ( Focus for lift up kononnya)

Okay! Really recomended :)

Mar 4, 2015

Travel : Culture learning in Kelantan

In the midst of hectic life, I spend time for my close friend's wedding in Kelantan. I'm traveling to South , then go to North, and straight away to West and last destination is Kuala Lumpur. I've been travelled the whole Peninsular Malaysia in a week. Tiring but happy. Couldn't describe it one word. :)

I went to Kelantan through Gerik Perak and reached Machang around 7pm. Our journey started around 12pm from Station 18 Ipoh. Steady and safe driving dude! We took 7hours to arrive. The journey has many stop points, everything to try and going to toilet almost 30 minutes.

I thought travelling to Kelantan should spend more money on fuel, but viceversa. I spent only RM 34 to reach Machang and still got 3 bars left. That was awesome and we share it for two. I only spent RM 17. Oh, thats cheap!:) Toll cost only RM 6 at exit Kuala Kangsar.

Alhamdulillah we arrived safely and straight away helping people for tomorrow's preparation. Menantu idaman tidak macam tu. Adab.

I never see Kelantanese Bekwoh (replace kenduri) at kampung area. Relatives and friends keep coming in and the event is merrier than I thought. What's crossed into my mind? People really can save money if prepare the bekwoh themself rather than appoint wedding planner.

A family member has prepared the pelamin, photo corner, doorgift, lauk pauk etc.

The gotong royong's activities really amazing between them and its normal if there is something teribbly headache thing happen, OMG! tukang masak got kematian in her family and cannot come and cook. 😓 We all masak.sigh.

One thing I never experience is people really give thing if attended to Bekwoh. Something like rice, milk, sugar, presents and etc. That was exciting experienced when the bride and groom open the present and gift one by one.

Very unique :)

Here are some photos to be shared :)

At Khadijah's Market. The last time I came here in year 2011. The ambience is same, but the seller changed already.

 The Jeruks. 

 A variety of food, I had tried telor itik. It's tasteful love!

 " Why time flies so fast and I have to go back? Hey, don't photo!."

 " I'm crying love (; The weird thing is if I cut the onion, I does not feel like crying. If my friend's cutting the bawang, the house like to flood, you know. "

 The best laksa at Khadijah's market is Kak Ros corner.

 Went to Bekwoh but still not trying this kerabu sarang. Regret not tried.

Marriage brings happiness tremendously. Totally the flow of life went smoothly and even though there is circumstances in between, its show you how strong your relationship when both are in ups and down.

Thus, I was so happy being here for 5 days.

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