Apa tu Ahmad Brands Offical ?! Boleh LIKE dulu. :)
New brand coming , a fresh chicken that precise on halal and hygiene process.
Macamana "branding" ini boleh terjadi ?! As born as his daughter, aku rasa bersalah kerana tidak mengubah apa yang aku rasa patut di ubah. Untuk kebaikan bersama.
Alkisahnya sebegini, I naturally too interested in doing any business as long I can sell, doing marketing, give the best product to people. I had trying went for work from 8am to 5pm. but It doesnt make me satisfied at all and totally not happy. Then I always attend to the seminar, talk, any class that I can improve myself :)
Ya, perjalanan hidup aku tidak mudah sebagaimana orang lain yang celik mata semuanya sudah tersedia dan petik jari shj.
Aku rasa meneruskan empayar perniagaan ayam ayah aku pon ok apa ! :)
Ini peringkat permulaan, baru bermula untuk transformasi dan menambahbaikan segala prosedur dan sistem.
Aku amat mengharapkan segala doa dari kalian.
Please dua' for me :)
Radio memecah kesunyian. Walaupon tergantung comel di sana, banyak informasi dia dok warwarkan.
Politik usah ceritalah.
Suis yang tidak begitu "secure".
Mesin pembuangan bulu ayam. Proses ini akan dilalui oleh ayam yang telah disembelih dan mati. Kemudian, ayam akan lalui proses rendaman dalam air panas. Dan barulah mereka terjun ke dalam mesin ini.
Dari berbulu, terus hilang semua bulu !
Semi pro cutter machine. This machine has been designed and made by my dad. Since he's working as mechanic before jump into business, He has an expertise to do all machinery thing. Then came out with his machine product.
Eventhough this machine is not properly look safe and secure. But my dad has successfully recruit new business owner that follow his business flow. Mean all machines has duplicated to them too.
He is my uncle in hometown, Baling , Kedah.
This machine functionally as a semi pro cutter that help worker to cut a chicken into small piece before through packaging process. :)
An old style of price tag. will transform and upgrade them.
For this time being, the packaging is look like this. A red plastic tided with stapling price tag.
Even hand writing price tag :P
It's memorable one day !
We just sitting here ,wait u customer ! Damn cold!
Selepas di sembelih, semua ayam akan di letakkan di dalam gelung. Biarkan ayam mati dengan tenang.
Two refrigerator to keep our stock.
Messed store.
All thing will change time by time. Follow my experience and life process.
Thank for reading this entry !
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